Europe Jazz Media Chart, il meglio di febbraio

La selezione del jazz del mese secondo i giornalisti dello Europe Jazz Network

​​​​​​Europe Jazz Media Chart - February 2018

Ogni mese lo Europe Jazz Network, la rete europea di operatori del settore jazz, stila la Europe Jazz Media Chart, una selezione mensile dei migliori titoli usciti, curata da un pool di giornalisti specializzati. Ecco la "classifica" di febbraio 2018.

Europe Jazz Media Chart February 2018

Paweł Brodowski, Jazz Forum:

Mateusz Smoczyński - Metamorphoses (Zbigniew Seifert Foundation)

Europe Jazz Media Chart February 2018

Rui Eduardo Paes,

Fred Frith / Hans Koch - You Are Here (Intakt)

Europe Jazz Media Chart February 2018

Mike Flynn, Jazzwise:

Snowpoet - Thought You Knew (Edition)

Europe Jazz Media Chart February 2018

Anna Filipieva, Jazz.Ru:

Lera Gehner - Look into My Soul (Bomba Piter)

Europe Jazz Media Chart February 2018

Jan Granlie,

Anti RubBer Brain Factory - MArOkAït (Le fondeur de son records)

Europe Jazz Media Chart February 2018

Christine Stephan, Jazzthetik: 

Rudresh Mahanthappa’s Indo-Pak Coalition  - Agrima (Mahanthappa’s Music)

Europe Jazz Media Chart February 2018

Henning Bolte, Jazzism:

Christian Lillingers Grund - C O R (Plaist-Music)

​​​​​​Europe Jazz Media Chart - February 2018

Magnus Nygren, OrkesterJournalen:

Johan Graden - Olägenheter (Moserobie)

​​​​​​Europe Jazz Media Chart - February 2018

 Cim Meyer, Jazz Special:

Peter Erskine New Trio - In Praise Of Shadows (Fuzzy Music)

​​​​​​Europe Jazz Media Chart - February 2018

Lars Mossefinn, Dag og tid:

Thomas Strønen Time Is A Blind Guide - Lucus (ECM)

​​​​​​Europe Jazz Media Chart - February 2018

Axel Stinshoff, Jazz thing:

Henri Texier  - Sand Woman (Label Bleu)

​​​​​​Europe Jazz Media Chart - February 2018

Luca Vitali, il giornale della musica:

Fire! ‎- The Hands (Rune Grammofon)

​​​​​​Europe Jazz Media Chart - February 2018

Madli-Liis Parts , Muusika:

Reigo Ahven Trio - Remember (Fish Records 2017)

​​​​​​Europe Jazz Media Chart - February 2018


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